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:: Volume 5, Issue 11 (3-2018) ::
PEC 2018, 5(11): 115-129 Back to browse issues page
The amount of carbon sequestration capability of tree cover and roadside soil (Case study: Khorramabad-Andimeshk Highway)
Farhad Ghasemi Aghbash * , Sharifeh Heidarian2 , Eisa Solgi2
Malayer University, Malayer University , ghasemifarhad@yahoo.com
2- Malayer University
Abstract:   (4975 Views)

Carbon dioxide (Co2) is the most important greenhouse gas that human activities have increased its concentrations in the atmosphere. Carbon sequestration in tree cover, vegetation, and corresponded soil is considered the easiest and economically most practical solution to reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide. Therefore, this research was done to investigate carbon sequestration capability of tree and herbaceous cover and soil of roadside of Khorramabad-Andimeshk Highway. In order to achieve objectives, four transects with 100 m distances from each other were established perpendicular to the highway and on each transect eight square plots were laidout with intervals 1, 30, 50 and 70 m . Also in the vicinity of these transects, land without tree cover and vegetation were selected as control plot. Within each plot, carbon sequestration was measured in tree and herbaceous cover and soil (0-30 cm depth). The results showed that the values of carbon sequestration with resoect to the increasing distance from the highway were 104.30, 41.15, 33.76 and 29.01 tons per hectare for trees respectively, 49.03, 155.36, 82.43, and 113.03 tons per hectare for herbaceous cover respectively, 32, 17, 39.82, 47.37, and 47.80 tons per hectare for soil respectively and 6.18 tons per hectare for bare soil. According to obtained results, it is observed that the highest value of carbon sequestration in highway roadside is related to trees. Also in each of the study components, herbaceous cover was allocated maximum carbon sequestration values.

Keywords: Highway effects, Herbaceous cover, Carbon sequestration, Soil, Twidgs and leaves
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/01/17 | Accepted: 2017/07/5 | Published: 2018/05/25
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Ghasemi Aghbash F, Heidarian S, Solgi E. The amount of carbon sequestration capability of tree cover and roadside soil (Case study: Khorramabad-Andimeshk Highway). PEC 2018; 5 (11) :115-129
URL: http://pec.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-271-en.html

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Volume 5, Issue 11 (3-2018) Back to browse issues page
مجله حفاظت زیست بوم گیاهان Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation
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