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:: Volume 12, Issue 24 (9-2024) ::
PEC 2024, 12(24): 136-150 Back to browse issues page
Effects of different silvicultural systems on oil characteristic indices of beech (Fagus orientalis L.) forest stands (Case study: Alandan forest, Mazanrdan)
Hasan Balabandi1 , Kambiz Abrari Vajari * , Naghi Shabanian1
1- Dept. Natural Resources
in Silviculture, Forestry Dept, Dept. Natural Resources , abrari.k@lu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (506 Views)
The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of silvicultural practices on some soil physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the beech forest stand (control, single-selection and shelter wood systems) in series 6 of Alandan_Sari Forest, Mazandaran province. For this purpose, after randomly establishing three sample plots of one hectare in all three forest stands, 20 soil samples (60 samples in total) were taken from the center and four corners of the plots from a depth of 0-20 cm and their characteristics were measured. According to the results, soil of the control forest mass had the highest moisture percentage of 47% and sand of 60% and the lowest apparent specific gravity of 1.3, and the mass managed with the single selection method had the highest percentage of silt 9.93 and clay 9.29. had Also, the maximum amounts of organic matter 9.06%, organic carbon 5.26% and nitrogen 4.8% were also measured in the soil of the control forest stand while the highest amount of absorbable phosphorus belonged to the soil of 8.28% of the habitat with the gradual - shelter method. The maximum amount of microbial respiration and microbial biomass phosphorus and the minimum ratio of microbial biomass carbon to microbial biomass phosphorus also belonged to the control stand. No significant changes were observed in stability, pH, absorbable potassium, microbial biomass carbon and nitrogen, and the ratio of microbial biomass carbon to microbial biomass nitrogen in the forest stands. In general, the results indicate the significant effect of the implementation of the silvicultural methods of single tree selection and shelter wood on most of the soil characteristics.

Article number: 9
Keywords: Shelter wood system, Single tree selection, Soil microbial activities, Forest management
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/10/12 | Accepted: 2024/07/1 | Published: 2024/10/7
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Balabandi H, Abrari Vajari K, Shabanian N. Effects of different silvicultural systems on oil characteristic indices of beech (Fagus orientalis L.) forest stands (Case study: Alandan forest, Mazanrdan). PEC 2024; 12 (24) : 9
URL: http://pec.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-944-en.html

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مجله حفاظت زیست بوم گیاهان Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation
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