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:: Volume 11, Issue 22 (9-2023) ::
PEC 2023, 11(22): 83-97 Back to browse issues page
Analysis of rangeland management drivers in Covid-19 pandemic in Golestan province
Ahmad Abedi Sarvestani * , Mohammad Reza Shahraki2
Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources , abediac@yahoo.com
2- Gorgan- Directorate General of Natural Resources and Watershed Management
Abstract:   (1299 Views)
Management of rangelands requires an innovative perspective and forward-looking approaches in a way that can face the challenges of the present age. Climate change and new diseases are examples of challenges for which it is necessary to predict appropriate strategies for the future of rangelands according to their impact. This research aimed to identify the drivers of rangeland management in the Covid-19 pandemic period. For this purpose, the interaction of Covid-19 disease with the main components of rangeland management (pastoralist, livestock, and rangeland) was investigated with the descriptive-analytical method and mutual effects analysis technique. After preparing a 24-item list of influential factors on rangeland management with qualitative approaches, the required information was collected by the questionnaire using the purposeful sampling method from 30 rangeland experts and rangeland exploiters elites in Golestan province in autumn, 2021. Data were analyzed using MICMAC software. The results showed the unstable situation of the rangelands management system in Golestan province. Based on the degree of direct and indirect effect of the factors, the most important drivers of rangeland management included six factors related to the "pastoralist" component, two factors related to the "rangeland" component, and one factor related to “livestock” component which were respectively: "pastoralist's sense of ownership of the range", "pastoralist's knowledge and skill level", "vegetation cover and fodder production of the rangeland", "adherence to the principles of range management", "participation and teamwork of the pastoralist", "proportion of the rangeland in the livelihood of the pastoralist", "job security of the pastoralist", "duration of livestock presence in rangeland ", and "existence drinking water in the rangeland". Furthermore, the Covid-19 pandemic was not a factor in rangeland management because it did not affect the rangeland management system, nor was affected by other factors. According to the findings, a scenario for managing ranges in Golestan province was developed and practical suggestions were presented.
Article number: 6
Keywords: Natural resources, Rangeland management, Future study, Scenario, Corona disease
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: General
Received: 2022/10/27 | Accepted: 2023/03/3 | Published: 2023/09/22
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Abedi Sarvestani A, Shahraki M R. Analysis of rangeland management drivers in Covid-19 pandemic in Golestan province. PEC 2023; 11 (22) : 6
URL: http://pec.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-885-en.html

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