:: Volume 8, Issue 16 (8-2020) ::
PEC 2020, 8(16): 173-199 Back to browse issues page
Effect of Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth forestry on plant species diversity and physicochemical characteristics of soil in the warm and dry desert climate
Neda Hamidi1 , Sina Attarroshan *
1- -
-, - , sina_2934@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (2858 Views)
In order to investigate the diversity of plant species in forested areas, this study was carried out in Albizia lebbek (L.) Benth forestry near the Khuzestan Steel Industries Company with a total area of 60 hectares in the southeast of Ahwaz, Khuzestan province. In so doing, 30 plot of 20 × 20 meters in size were systematically randomized in the forested area and 30 samples were taken in the control area. Within each sample plot, vegetation cover (tree species, shrubs and herbaceous), physical and chemical characteristics of soil was studied. The grass cover was taken in 8 × 8 m (64 square meters) sample plot, which were taken at the center of the sample plot of 400 square meters. Whitaker plot method was used to study the herbaceous species. In this region, 53 plant species were identified. CCA Analysis showed that the control area and the forested area  form a separate ecological group in the region. In terms of plant species composition, highest value of Simpson (0.73±0.043), Shannon-Wiener (1.73±0.022) diversity index, Shannon-Wiener evennes index (0.56±0/003) and species richness (24.06±0.63) were estimated in the control area. Adaphical conditions showed that afforestation had no effect on soil texture and soil acidity. Rather, the chemical properties of soil in the control area showed better conditions. The results of this research suggest that forestry without observance of technical and scientific criteria can reduce the density and diversity of herbaceous vegetation in the area, which can have destructive effects on the habitat in its turn.
Keywords: Canonical correspondence analysis, Albizia lebbek tree, Afforest, Diversity index
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/06/18 | Accepted: 2019/11/18 | Published: 2020/09/21
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