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:: Volume 12, Issue 24 (9-2024) ::
PEC 2024, 12(24): 35-46 Back to browse issues page
Spatial Analysis and Modeling of Carbon Sequestration by Atriplex Plants in Chaparquimeh Rangelands, Golestan Province
Hamidreza Asgari * , Mohammad Alinejad2
Desert Management Group, Faculty of Rangeland and Watershed Management, Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources , Hamidreza.asgari@gau.ac.ir
2- Gorgan University of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources
Abstract:   (352 Views)
Climate change and global warming, primarily driven by increased fossil fuel consumption, necessitate a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Carbon sequestration in plant biomass and soil offers a straightforward solution for lowering atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, thereby improving air quality and enhancing soil productivity. The present study was conducted in the year 2021 in the Chaparquimeh region of Golestan Province, aimed to assess carbon sequestration levels in both soil and Atriplex vegetation, considering human-made disturbances such as road. To accomplish, soil and vegetation samples were collected from locations featuring Atriplex plant species. The measured carbon sequestration levels were utilized to create a carbon sequestration map using by the InVEST software package. moreover, by extracting the coordinates of the plants in the region, spatial analysis of the sequestered carbon was conducted using spatial functions in the R software environment and Programita (including Ripley's k functions, g functions and marked correlation function (MCF)). Spatial analysis of the Atriplex species revealed a scattered distribution pattern, with the highest carbon sequestration occurring near the road (Gonbad-Inche Borun), reaching 828.85 kg/m2, and decreasing with distance 258.13 kg/m2. The overall average carbon sequestration in the study area was 489.3 kg/m2. The spatial pattern of Atriplex, according to the results of the g(r) function, is uniform and scattered at distances greater than 5 meters and is acceptable at a 5% significance level. The MCF function indicated that the spatial distribution pattern of Atriplex has no significant impact on the amount of carbon sequestration in the area. Understanding native species compatible with carbon storage capabilities can underscore the importance of developing and preserving natural ecosystem services. This knowledge can contribute to land management practices and the restoration of degraded lands, ultimately improving carbon sequestration efforts.
Article number: 3
Keywords: Spatial functions, Spatial analysis, InVEST, Desertification, Ecosystem services
Full-Text [PDF 1118 kb]   (89 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Applicable | Subject: Special
Received: 2023/05/14 | Accepted: 2024/02/27 | Published: 2024/10/7
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Asgari H, Alinejad M. Spatial Analysis and Modeling of Carbon Sequestration by Atriplex Plants in Chaparquimeh Rangelands, Golestan Province. PEC 2024; 12 (24) : 3
URL: http://pec.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-926-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 24 (9-2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله حفاظت زیست بوم گیاهان Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation
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