:: Volume 7, Issue 15 (2-2020) ::
PEC 2020, 7(15): 141-154 Back to browse issues page
Estimation of carbon sequestration potential oak coppice stand (Quercus brantii) in kamfirooz (Fars provience)
Seyed Kazem Bordbar *
Agricultural Research,Education and Extension Organization, tehran chamran Bol- st yaman , sbordbar86@gmail.com
Abstract:   (2741 Views)
In the present study, 42 square meters of a sample of 2000 square meters with a size of 40 * 50 meters and a 500 × 1000 meter network than 30 coppice oak trees (Quercusbrantii Lindl.) with least 5 centimeteres diameter were chosen using a random-systematic method with a random classification. Characteristics such as number of sprouts, diameter, total height, and the large and small diameter of crown were measured.  In so doing, the diameter ranges of the oak trees were devided into some classes of 5 cm, and3 trees from each class were measured. The samples of different organs including leaf, branch and trunk or main stem were taken and analysed to estimate the amount of net Carbon. Also, one soil sample at each plot was analysed in the laboratory and the amount of carbon in these samples were measured. Results showed that the carbon sequestrated was 27.81 tons/ha. Specifically, 16 tons belonged to soil and 11.82 tons was related to different organdfo trees. This 27.81 tons/haequivalent to 102.09 tons/ ha of Co2. There was a significant difference between the trunks and the other organs as well as between diameter classes of sprouts in terms of the sequestrated carbon. The economic value of the sequestrated carbon was 6193.94 US$ with an annual value about 154.84 US$.
Keywords: Carbon Sequestration, Forest, Ecosystem Service
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/11/21 | Accepted: 2019/06/2 | Published: 2020/03/17
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