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:: Volume 9, Issue 19 (12-2021) ::
PEC 2021, 9(19): 1-17 Back to browse issues page
Simulation of Aboveground net primary production by using the climatic factors in the Siahpoush and Ganjghah rangelands of Ardabil Province
Vadood Mahammadi , Mehdi Moameri * , Ardavan Ghorbani , Mikaeil Badrzadeh , Farid Dadjou
, moameri@uma.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2472 Views)
Aboveground net primary production (ANPP) is one of the crucially characteristics of rangeland ecosystems and it is importance in the cycle of materials and energy in these ecosystems. The aim of present study was investigate the ANPP of life forms (grasses, forbs, and shrubs), and total ANPP; then modeling of life forms and total ANPP by using precipitation and temperature in Siahpoush and Ganjgah mountain rangelands of Kowsar County, Ardabil Province. Seven sampling sites were determined at different altitudes and in each site according to the vegetation pattern of the representative regions were considered as three transects (100 m) in each site and 10 plots were considered for ANPP evaluation in each transects. The relationship between climate factors classes (precipitation and temperature), and the ANPP were analyzed using one way Anova and Duncan analysis. The ANPP maps were simulated using linear regression in ArcMap10.0. The results show a significant relationship (p>0.05) between the life forms and total ANPP with precipitation and temperature factors. The accuracy (RMSE) of simulated maps for ANPP of grasses, forbs, shrubs and total ANPP was 0.07, 0.08, 0.14 and 0.06, respectively. The present study results can be used in balance between supply and demand of rangelands production.
Keywords: Simulation, Temperature and Precipitation classes, Life forms, Rangeland plants
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/10/31 | Accepted: 2021/07/2 | Published: 2022/03/16
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Mahammadi V, Moameri M, Ghorbani A, Badrzadeh M, Dadjou F. Simulation of Aboveground net primary production by using the climatic factors in the Siahpoush and Ganjghah rangelands of Ardabil Province. PEC 2021; 9 (19) :1-17
URL: http://pec.gonbad.ac.ir/article-1-740-en.html

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مجله حفاظت زیست بوم گیاهان Journal of Plant Ecosystem Conservation
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